This website is the property of IMMOFELIS, limited company with a capital of 200 025€, RCS 423 792 498, headquartered at 27 avenue Émile Zola, 75015 Paris. Email address:

The website editor is Yves Lapeyre, president of IMMOFELIS.

The company hosting the website and storing the data is SERVICES WEB.


Contents of the website

IMMOFELIS does not guarantee that this website is free of defects, errors or omissions. The communicated information is presented as general and informational and has no contractual value.

Despite regular updates, IMMOFELIS cannot be liable for any change in administrative and legal provisions that may occur after publishing.

Likewise, IMMOFELIS cannot be liable for the use and interpretation of the information on this website.

IMMOFELIS cannot be liable for potential viruses that could affect computers or devices belonging to web users after the use, access or download of any information from this website.

IMMOFELIS reserves the right to amend the contents of its commercial offer at any time.


Copyright and intellectual property

This website is the property of Yves Lapeyre, owner of all its intellectual property rights. This website constitutes a work protected in the frame of intellectual property, as are the general structure of the website, the graphic design and the elements present on the website (forms, texts,  photographs, pictures…).

Without prior authorisation by IMMOFELIS, this website and related information cannot be copied, replicated, modified, transferred, published on any medium, nor used entirely or partly for commercial or non-commercial purposes, nor serve the achievement of derivative works.

Failure to observe these rules can engage the responsibility of the web user according to the articles L. 713-2 and L.713-3 of the Intellectual Property Code.


Applicable legislation

This website as well as the legal notices hereabove are subject to French law.